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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Excel:Which of the following is invalid statement?
  1. Sheet tabs can be colored
  2. Some picture can be applied as a background of a sheet
  3. You can set the column width automatically fit the amount of text
  4. The width of a row and be specified manually or fit automatically

Q2. Which of the following have the fastest access time?

  1. Semiconductor Memories
  2. Magnetic Disks
  3. Magnetic Tapes
  4. Compact Disks
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Word: What are inserted as cross-reference in Word?

  1. Placeholders
  3. Objects
  4. Word fields
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Word: _____ are types of wizards and templates in the Resume Wizard dialog box.

  1. Standard, Contemporary, and Sophisticated
  2. Professional, Contemporary, and Elegant
  3. Formatted, Unformatted, and Graphic
  4. Basic, Comprehensive, and Formatted
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: When the Language bar is _____, it means that you do not see it on the screen but it will be displayed the next time you start your computer.

  1. restored
  2. hidden
  3. minimized
  4. closed
Correct Answer

Q6. RATS stand for

  1. Regression Analysis Time Series
  2. Regression Analysis Time Sharing
  3. Real Analysis Series
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record’s disk address. What information does this address specify?

  1. Track number
  2. Sector number
  3. Surface number
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:In PowerPoint, when the mouse pointer appears as this it indicates that the Draw Table feature is on

  1. Solid plus sign
  2. Solid arrow
  3. I-beam
  4. Pencil
Correct Answer

Q9. In a computer keyboard the Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Del & Insert keys are known as

  1. Standard keys
  2. Function keys
  3. Navigation keys
  4. Special purpose keys
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following is not an input device?

  1. OCR
  2. Optical scanners
  3. Voice recognition device
  4. COM (Computer Output to Microfilm)
Correct Answer

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